graphical abstract
Use the following link to contact by graphdan.

Telegram Admin: @Graphdan
Telegram Channel: @Graphdanir
Tel: +989013767627
SMS: +989013767627
WhatsApp: +989013767627
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En logo Of graphdan group

Graphdan: enhance the quality of scientific projects

Dear Researcher,
Welcome to Graphdan

This page is the En version of the official website of the Graphdan Scientific Group.

Graphdan helps you with graphical abstract and scientific poster design. You can see below the sample figure design by graphdan which published in high-quality journals.
I will be very happy to assist in your scientific projects.

Mehdi Safdarian
Director of Graphdan Scientific Group


The Graphical abstract is an image to show a summary of a scientific article. In it, you should briefly outline your method, the new aspects, materials, and goals of your research work. Visualizing the findings of research articles can be very useful to be seen by other researchers. As a result, your article will be given more citations. 

The graphic abstract is listed on the journal’s website below the title and abstract of your article. Usually, its size and resolution will be announced by the editor in chief. Designing a Graphic Abstract In addition to the scientific expertise in your field, it needs graphic ability and taste. You don’t have to do a wonderful job for drawing a perfect figure. The image must be simple, expressive, beautiful and attractive. But don’t be drawn by specialized software and understandable for everyone. Do not worry. Graphdan helps you in the graphical abstract design.

Graphical abstract sample

*  Graphical abstract sample  *

Chromatography A fig sample Design By Graphdan group
Graphical abstract En1

Title: Facile synthesis of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer: Perphenazine template and its application in urine and
plasma analysis

The paper was published in the Journal of Chromatography A
IF: 3.78
Volume 1455, 15 July 2016, Pages 28-36
Paper URL
Thanks to Dr. Ramezani for trusting the Graphdan Group

carbohydrate polymer graphical abstract
Graphical abstract En2N

Title: Synthesis of chitosan-based magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for selective separation and spectrophotometric determination of histamine in tuna fish

The paper was published in the Carbohydrate Polymers
IF: 4.81
Volume 177, 1 December 2017, Pages 306-314

Paper URL
Thanks to Dr. Hashemi for trusting the Graphdan Group

Chromatographia graphical abstract
Graphical abstract En3N

Title: Reduced‑Pressure Fiber‑in‑Needle Sampling of Aldehydes for Room Temperature Assessment of Edible Oils’ Oxidative Stability


The paper was published in the Chromatographia
IF: 1.552
September 2019, Volume 82, Issue 9, pp 1405–۱۴۱۴Paper Link

Paper URL
Thanks to Dr. Ghiasvand for trusting the Graphdan Group

Graphical Abstract
Graphical abstract En4N

Title: Synthesis of DABCO-based Ionic liquid functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as a novel sorbent for determination of
cephalosporins in milk samples by dispersive solid-phase extraction
followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass

The paper was published in the New Journal of chemistry 
IF: 3.069
Issue 34, 2019

Paper Link
Thanks to Dr. Konoz for trusting the Graphdan Group

Photochemistry graphical abstract
Graphical abstract En5N

Title: Comparative photocatalytic performance of TiO2 supported on clinoptilolite and TiO2/Salicylaldehyde-NH2-MIL-101(Cr) for degradation of pharmaceutical pollutant atenolol under UV and visible irradiations

The paper was published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
IF: 3.261
Volume 356, 1 April 2018, Pages 102-111

Paper URL
Thanks to Dr. Faghihian for trusting the Graphdan Group

New J of chemistry graphical abstract figure
Graphical abstract En8N

Title: Rapid microwave-assisted distillation–precipitation polymerization for the synthesis of magnetic molecular imprinted polymers coupled to HPTLC determination of perphenazine in human urine

The paper was published in the New journal of chemistry 
IF: 3.069

Issue 1, 2019
Paper Link

Thanks to Dr. Ramezani for trusting the Graphdan Group

graphic design for polyhedron
Graphical abstract En7N

Title: The Bismarck Brown Y based functional polymer-bound palladium nanoparticles as a capable catalyst for the synthesis of N-arylsulfonyl cyanamides

The paper was published in the polyhedron 
IF: 2.284
Volume 154, 1 November 2018, Pages 138-147

Paper URL
Thanks to Dr. Habibi for trusting the Graphdan Group

Chromatography A Graphical Abstract Design By Graphdan group
Graphical abstract En6N

Title: Combination of dispersive solid phase extraction and deep eutectic solvent–based air–assisted liquid–liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry as an efficient analytical method for the quantification of some tricyclic antidepressant drugs in biological fluids

The paper was published in the Journal of Chromatography A
IF: 3.78
Volume 1571, 12 October 2018, Pages 84-93

Paper Link
Thanks to Dr. Yaripur for trusting the Graphdan Group


You should first contact the Graphdan Manager via WhatsApp or Gmail. Then send us the following documents:

1- Your article title
2- Abstract
3- The journal you want to submit an article
4- Handwriting the steps and materials used in the research
5- The shape you have already designed for yourself
6– A few graphical abstract similar to your work that was published in your fevered journal.

The graphdan team will review and evaluate your work. You will be notified of the cost of the project and the time required for the design. If you agree to the terms of the graphdan and pay, your graphical abstract design will begin and be delivered on time.


Graphdan is a scientific group located in Ahvaz, Iran. This group is working under the supervision of Dr. Mehdi Safdarian (Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical sciences).

To date, the group has successfully completed more than 300 scientific-graphic projects, most of which have been used in articles has published in international journals. Our designed images are usually in the field of chemistry. But we have the ability to design all kinds of images in the fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and electronics. Another of the group’s scientific activities is to improve the quality of microscopic images such as TEM, SEM, FESEM. Graphene is ready to collaborate with respected researchers from around the world, and our group activities are conducted online without any geographical restrictions. It is an honor for me and my colleagues to be able to collaborate on your scientific projects.


Use the following link to contact by graphdan.

Telegram Admin: @Graphdan
Telegram Channel: @Graphdanir
Tel: +989013767627
SMS: +989013767627
WhatsApp: +989013767627
Instagram page:
LinkedIn profile:

Last update: 12/09/2021